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• You Carried Me
• Art by Diana Castillo
• Acrylic on Paper
• Frame and Mat not included

All poster prints include a white border around image. This white border gives space for potential matting and framing.

This painting was inspired from a moment of desperation. Leaving my job after God led me to go full time in this art career, fear started to creep in. Mind you, I’m a single mother, so I began to feel the burden twice as hard. As I was crying to God, confessing to Him that I feel tired and exhausted and alone, He spoke to me “let me take care of you”. It’s moments like these, that I’m reminded of how God carries us through these difficult situations. We are doing it all by ourselves if we are not relying on God. But the moment we are confident in Him and trusting Him, the pressures will be removed. It suddenly doesn’t feel like single parenting but coparenting with God as our partner.


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