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Jesus Lives
Art by Diana Castillo
Canvas Prints
Choose between Canvas Print or Diana’s Choice Canvas Print.
Canvas Print:
Traditional canvas wrapped on matte canvas. Canvas is wrapped with mirrored edges. It will be delivered to you "ready to hang" with pre-attached hanging wire, mounting hooks, and nails.
Diana’s Choice Canvas Print:
Traditional canvas print stretched on matte canvas. Includes glitter, Swarovski rhinestones, texture and gloss varnish coat to give it a closer appearance to Original Painting. Canvas is wrapped with mirrored edges. It will be delivered to you "ready to hang" with pre-attached hanging wire, mounting hooks, and nails.
I was inspired to paint "Jesus Lives" because it is a part of God's plan that husbands and fathers lead their wives and families to Jesus Christ. I love to hear testimonies of families turning their lives over to God. The husband/father is the priest in the home. His arms represent the protection and encouragement that God anoints him as the head of household; through him, his entire family will find salvation. A man that worships and obeys his holy Heavenly Father will lead his family righteously.

Payments Plans are available. Fill out the Contact Diana Form with your information so we can discuss what Payment Plan options will be best for you.


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